Princess Sevillena-Cabatu became interested in singing at the age of three. Her ability to adjust and adapt...
Ralph Cabatu takes center stage in the third installment of Coververse’s four-part season finale with a stunning...
Ranier Caballero covers Troy Laureta’s “Bakit Pa Ba” in the second part of Coververse’s four-part season finale....
James Reyes is a 24-year-old rising star in the music industry with exceptional vocal abilities. He is...
Listen to Dave Carlos’ captivating cover of ‘Uhaw’ by Dilaw, the People’s Voice Favorite Group Artist nominee...
April Fools’ Day: the perfect day to serenade your friends with a boy band classic and blame...
Chantal Salonga’s Pasilyo Cover by SunKissed Lola: A Must-Listen Chantal Salonga’s Pasilyo cover by SunKissed Lola is...
Robbie Navarro takes on Sia’s hit song, ‘Chandelier,’ and puts his own RnB spin on it....
Feeling the raw emotions of love lost with Zachary’s rendition of This Band’s ‘Di Na Babalik’. This...
Get ready to be swept away by the soulful rendition of “Gusto Ko Nang Bumitaw” by Mac...